CEO Days The Pleasure of Growing a Business

CEO Days The Pleasure of Growing a Business

What if we started to imagine that our businesses were a gateway to experience pleasure, and so much more out of life than a way to receive a paycheck?

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Let’s be honest: we put a lot into this business and have the great skills and passion to offer an amazing service to our clients. Same goes for products that you create or source to sell because you want the world to have these incredible solutions that only you can offer. 

But tell me: what’s really in it for YOU as a human being? 

Have you defined what makes your business pleasurable lately? 

What to Expect

Each CEO Days provides a complete assessment on the 30-days prior to offering yourself the reflection needed to create a plan for working ON your business. These takeaways bring focus and clarity around what is working and what isn’t in your business. 

Unique to our workshop every month, a theme and small mastermind around a topic will follow our reflection time to help you improve a very specific focus area around working ON your business. 

With this clarity, you will be able to use our “Getting Productive” time to work ON your business in this protected space of both time and focus. You may even be able to launch your funnel first draft in this time together! Let’s give it a try!

Last, we will create your 30-Day Action Plan to set you in the right direction for the month ahead until our upcoming workshop!

There is absolutely nothing stopping you from having your dream business- we just have to define it and work toward it!

JULY- The Pleasure of Growing a Business

Are you ready to start feeling more pleasure, enjoyment, and fulfillment from business instead of drain and overwhelm? 

Map out your mid-year retreat and also a vacation for this year, and block it on your calendar. Let’s explore this pleasurable ‘Shut-OFF meditation’ and let go of the need to be available 24/7 to the things that drain your battery.

Learn about these space-clearing planning strategies to build a  more opportunistic business with CEO Days! 

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