CEO Days Serving Yourself Serves Others

CEO Days Serving Yourself Serves Others

What is actually serving you, what is taking away from your bottom line and business experience? Do you know the difference between what is a priority or what is a waste of time? 

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What to Expect

Each CEO Days provides a complete assessment on the 30-days prior to offering yourself the reflection needed to create a plan for working ON your business. These takeaways bring focus and clarity around what is working and what isn’t in your business. 

Unique to our workshop every month, a theme and small mastermind around a topic will follow our reflection time to help you improve a very specific focus area around working ON your business. 

This month’s theme is focused on navigating what is working, what has to go, and what can serve you best. We touch on a bit of self-care with gratitude and love, seeking new perspectives around experiences that happen for us, not to us. .

With this clarity, you will be able to use our “Getting Productive” time to work ON your business in this protected space of both time and focus. You may even be able to launch your funnel first draft in this time together! Let’s give it a try!

Last, we will create your 30-Day Action Plan to set you in the right direction for the month ahead until our upcoming workshop!

SEPTEMBER- Serving Yourself Serves Others

Where exactly are you in business, what may be holding you back? Working on your business to reflect on the things you are doing and discovering what is serving you, or what is not working for you any longer. 

Learn about these habitual practices & business strategies to build a  more pleasurable business with CEO Days! 

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