CEO Days Creating a Gravitational Oasis

CEO Days Creating a Gravitational Oasis

Using all of our senses, how can we create a true oasis in and around our work day? Consider evaluating all areas of what we experience every day as a way to gravitate the pleasure in our businesses, ultimately contributing to the experience of true success. 


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What to Expect

Each CEO Days provides a complete assessment on the 30-days prior to offering yourself the reflection needed to create a plan for working ON your business. These takeaways bring focus and clarity around what is working and what isn’t in your business. 

Unique to our workshop every month, a theme and small mastermind around a topic will follow our reflection time to help you improve a very specific focus area around working ON your business. 

With this clarity, you will be able to use our “Getting Productive” time to work ON your business in this protected space of both time and focus. You may even be able to launch your funnel first draft in this time together! Let’s give it a try!

Last, we will create your 30-Day Action Plan to set you in the right direction for the month ahead until our upcoming workshop!

AUGUST - Creating A Gravitational Oasis

Our work space is not just a physical place: it’s a mindset. It’s emotional. It encourages and triggers certain thoughts and manifests our beliefs and mantras. It is pleasing to the eye, it energizes us, and it is extremely important. 

I want to advise you that the most relaxed and impactful your space can feel starts with believing in yourself & the business you are leading. 

Creating an Oasis is just as much of a mindset as it is a physical space filled with organization, brand colors, vision boards, the perfect set temperature, and nourishment of both fresh snacks and hydration. 

Learn about these  environmental business strategies to build a  more pleasurable business with CEO Days! 

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